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Industrial Harvest / commodities trading:  

The blog for the Industrial Harvest project (I was quite proud to sustain a regular writing practice for this long!)

Kavage S.
 “A Geography of Illinois Wheat.” Infographic for Area Chicago #9, Peripheral Vision, 2009. 

A series of essays written in the beginning stages of the Industrial Harvest project, as part of a virtual residency on Anne Elizabeth Moore's blog, Democracy Guest List.   The link starts on page 2 (the earliest posts) - go through the posts chronologically.

Art related:
Kavage S, Moore AE.  Quit Your Job: An Interview with Greg Lundgren of Artists For A Work Free America.  Matte Magazine No. 1 (2002)
Kavage S. 
Freighted With Meaning or Memory: Jane Dickson Paints the Domestic Uncanny. Matte Magazine No. 2 (2002)

Urban planning related: 

Kavage S, Frank L, Kolian T.  The Hidden Health Costs of Transportation.” Report for American Public Health Association, 2010 (appropriate for general audiences). 

Frank LD, Greenwald MJ, Winkelman S, Chapman J, Kavage S (2010). “Carbonless Footprints:  Promoting Health and Climate Stabilization Through Active Transportation.” Preventive Medicine Vol. 50 S1, S99-S105 (wonky academia). 

Frank L, Kavage S (2009). “A national plan for physical activity: the enabling role of the built environment.” Journal of Physical Activity & Health Vol. 6 Suppl 2:S186-95.

Frank L, Kavage S (2008).  “Urban Planning and Public Health: A Story of Separation and Reconnection.”  Journal of Public Health Management & Practice 14(3), 214–220 (reviews the relationship between health and community design in plain english).

Frank LD, Bradley M, Kavage S, Chapman J, Lawton TK.  “Urban form, travel time, and cost relationships with tour complexity and mode choice.”  Transportation 2008, 35(1), 37-54. 

Frank LD, Kavage S, Appleyard B.  “The Urban Form and Climate Change Gamble.”  Planning, Aug/Sept 2007 (plain english explanation about how we need to change our community design to lower CO2 emissions). 

Kavage S.  Yes, it is About the Artists: The Tacoma Story.  The Next American City No. 7 (Jan. 2005)
Kavage S.  TODAY'S COMPANY TOWN: Seattle's Boeing Fixation.  The Next American City No. 4 (Feb. 2004)
Kavage S.  Reclaiming the Grid: Portland's City Repair.  The Next American City No. 3 (Oct. 2003)
Kavage S.  THE MARKETING OF PLACE: How Bavaria Came to Leavenworth, WA.  The Next American City No. 2 (June 2003)

Tell us how you really feel:
Myers T and Kavage S.  Unhappy Birthday:  The Interstate Turns 50. Carbusters #29, Jan-Mar 2007.  A
long piece on the infamous history of American roadbuilding. 

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